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Showing posts from June, 2019

Social media: how it can affect your mental health by having to look a certain way. by Holly Wilkins

Do you feel like you have to look a certain way and be “perfect”? If you’re feeling like that then stop because you don’t have to meet other people's standards. You can be your own perfect. As long as you are comfortable in your own body (without the influence of others) then it shouldn’t matter what other insignificant people think. Social media plays a significant role in the lives of millions of young girls and boys, women and men. It influences the idea and perception of body image, beauty and perfection. Body images on social media statistically affect more women and young girls than men and young boys. Women and young girls feel that their body has to look a certain way; they have to be skinny, have to have a big bum and big boobs, they can’t have any stretch-marks, scars or any imperfections. As women we can’t have a bit of tummy fat; we have to workout and keep ‘in shape’; we have to have a small waist with a flat stomach, big boobs and a big bum which, in real...

The Ignorance of Language by Caitlin Padfield

English Natives are ignorant.  There, I said it. For the most part, at least. For students and young people, it’s ingrained in in our minds that language lessons (be it French, German or Spanish, etc.) are dreadful, a waste of time, a distraction, and providing no advantage unless we decide to study abroad to fully utilise the language. >> This could not be any further from the truth! << We don’t prioritise foreign language classes as we should, which has therefore inadvertently created a society full of culturally close-minded people. This entire mind-set that “English is the most important language” and that “most people speak English anyway” is so toxic. It is also the 2 nd most common reason in the UK as to why students didn’t choose a MFL for GCSE (which has fallen by 40% between 2010 and 2016) – closely following “because they’re too difficult”. Most fail to realise how daunting it is for non- native English speakers to speak their own language or e...

School did not teach me life skills I need by Ellie Hill

The things I learnt in school have not helped me to understand the way the world works or the responsibilities I now have as an adult. Instead we are taught the ins and outs of algebra and the ways we can analyse poems and stories. We are reminded to read between the lines and look at the hidden meaning of a word that an author has used.  I can guarantee the author's intentions were not to have their work studied but just an opportunity to escape this stressful world that no one is prepared for. It still baffles me to think that somehow that was going to help me later on. Imagine how much easier it would have been if we were taught about paying rent and mortgages or how to apply ourselves in this ever changing world. If teachers were to take a small amount of time out of their curriculum to teach us these, I’d be so much more aware about the way the world worked as an adult. It also seems like now the only reason kids are taught the things they are   is so they c...